Venstar digital thermostat t4950-IAQ (commercial) with lock ring air patrol - indoor air quality sensor built-in that continuously monitors IAQ. IAQ levels viewable on display and free mobile app / website. output when air patrol measures IAQ above defined limit, all except T4975-IAQ. built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and VenNet radios. 3H / 2C (gas/electric) or 4H/2C (heat pump), all except T4975-IAQ for 1 to 4 compressor control. switchable: 7 day programmable or non-programmable (T4950SCH - IAQ is 5 + 2 day). switchable: auto changeover or heat, cool or heat/cool only. controls humidification, dehumidification, and reheat. dry contact input for FDD, condensate overflow or occupancy control.